How to call static block in magento phtml files?
Magento allows you to create static blocks to show content on category pages or on static pages, you can also call any static block in magento phtml file by just adding following code. ...
Magento allows you to create static blocks to show content on category pages or on static pages, you can also call any static block in magento phtml file by just adding following code. ...
Magento has functionality to create new session variables. You can set it as following Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedinTumblr
On cart page there is just product titles shown by default but not product description. If you want to show product description, then just navigate to default.phtml and open it and add following code around...
Magneto has stable release new stable version 1.6.0 on 18 August 20, 2011. Major Highlights : Minimum Advertised Price. Persistent Shopping Cart. Shipping Integration with Label printing support. Improvements XmlConnect package release v21 Order...
Following is the SQL query by which you can get list of sku that hasn’t product images. Image attribute id is 74 and it has not any value in catalog_product_entity_varchar value field against 74...
In table “eav_attribute” and find the attribute_id that’s associated with is_active and then look for the attribute_id value in catalog_category_entity_int there you will find a value Boolean. Share this…FacebookPinterestTwitterLinkedinTumblr
Open table “eav_attribute” set “is_required = 0, for the attribute_code “telephone” Open files billin.phtml and shipping.phtml both will be located in “app\design\frontend\yourtheme\default\template\checkout\onepage” Now open Abstract.php located at “app\code\core\Mage\Customer\Model\Address” and comment on following lines Share...
Want to remove tax and shipping estimate block from your theme? In your theme layout there will be a file named “checkout.xml”. In this file comment or remove following line. If your theme’s layout...