Category: Misc.


How to hide and show div content in jquery?

jQuery is javascript library. It has many plugins for opensource applications as well as for static sites. This is very simple tutorial to hide and show div content. For doing code in jquery we...

REPLACE function in mySql. 0

REPLACE function in mySql.

MySql database has very simple and easy to use string function REPLACE() that is used to find any string and replace it with new string. This is very useful when we required replacing any...

List of CMS for blogs and websites 7

List of CMS for blogs and websites

There are a lot of open source content management systems and blogging systems. WordPress is very famous for blogging but now it is also using as content management system and e-commerce solutions. I like...

Git commands 0

Git commands

I like Git a lot. It is very much powerful then SVN. You can’t commit or merge if there are changes on same branch on server, this will prevent files to overwrite. See following...


How to change textbox value on blur() and focus() events in jquery?

Let following text field. <input type=’text’ name="textbox" id="textbox" /> By following statement you can set its default value. $("#textbox").val("Any Value"); Use focus() event to change value when you focus on input field. $("#textbox").focus(function(){ $("#textbox").val("");...


How to configure multi store in OpenCart?

Many of you might use opencart for online store development. Opencart can also be used for multi store with single admin; you can manage both stores with same admin. I am using wamp so...


How to remove index.php from CI URL?

Open application/config/config.php file. Find following statement in this file. $config[‘index_page’] = ‘index.php’; And remove index.php from above statement, this will look like following. $config[‘index_page’] = ”; Create .htaccess file in application directory and paste...

Install imagick php extension 1

How to activate mod_rewrite in apache?

Activate mod_rewrite Open apache configuration file i.e. httpd.conf Find following statement. #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ You will find hash sign(#) in start of this statement, remove it. Now restart apache services and enjoy search engine...