Author: websourceblog

Add menu item programmatically in WordPress 0

How to create widget to show latest posts?

Create WordPress widget for latest posts WordPress providing sidebar widget for latest post which is just for post type posts not for any custom post types. So to create widget that fetches posts from...

Laravel 8 error target class controller does not exist. 0

How to set foreign key checks to zero in laravel 5?

Set Foreign Key Checks While running migrations or seeding or importing data by running scripts, we might need to set foreign key checks to zero in database during these processes in laravel 5 programming....

Install imagick php extension 0

How to get value from PHPExcel_RichText Object?

Get Value from PHPExcel_RichText Object We can read and create excel, csv files from phpexcel library. While reading excel file with phpexcel, you might get richtext object like following. We can’t simply get PHPExcel_RichText...