Open application/config/config.php file. Find following statement in this file. $config['index_page'] = 'index.php'; And remove index.php from above statement, this will…
Activate mod_rewrite Open apache configuration file i.e. httpd.conf Find following statement. #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ You will find hash sign(#) in…
6R778MX9MEZS Click on Configuration that is under System menu. Scroll down; you will find Google API under Sales tab in…
If you transfer opencart site to any other domain then you need to change config URLs. For this; open config.php…
Click on Systems > Import/Export > Export Select Products from dropdown. Then all attributes will be loaded as following. At…
My cart block can easily be shown on left sidebar by editing checkout.xml file which is in app/design/frontend/your-theme/layout/checkout.xml Look for…
Taxonomy is very powerful module which gives help to organize content. Some other open sources or systems called them categories,…
Click on Shopping Cart Price Rules under Promotions Click on Add New Rule button that is right hand side. Enter…
We can get shipping or billing address of logged in customer via following statements. All address information is now in…
Drupal is one of famous content management systems. Corporate, News and Shopping Cart sites can easily be built in drupal…