Implement back link to previous link from where user came in React Project.
Sometimes, in a react project you might need to implement back URL link to previous URL from where user came. For this we can use userHistory from react-router-dom.
Following are few code snippets. First import userHistory and Link as following.
Import {userHistory, Link} from "react-router-dom"
Then, use following code in component function.
const history = userHistory(); const sendToPreviousURL = () => { history.goBack() }
You can use above function on Link or Button as following.
<Link to={"#"} onClick={() => sendToPreviousURL()}>Back</Link>
<Button onClick={() => sendToPreviousURL()}>Back</Button>
Note: You will need to import Button from whichever theme you are using in React.
I hope this will help someone.