How to use whereHas() and with() in laravel 8?

Laravel is very famous and widely used PHP Framework. Nowadays, I am doing development in Laravel along with other RoR and Java projects.

I was working on a Laravel 8 project in which I had to show related records and also by any criteria if related record doesn’t exist then don’t show main any record.

To achieve required results, I used whereHas() and with() eloquent methods. For this, there must be hasMany() and belongTo() method defined in models.

For example, I had two models Customer and Order.

In Customer Model.

public function orders() {

In Order Model.

public function customer() {

Then, I created a repository file where I write all queries.

public function fetchCustomerOrders($where) {
 $callBack = function ($query) use($where) {
 $query->where(“customer_id”, “=”, $where[“customer_id”])
$customers = Customer::whereHas(“orders”, $callback)
->with([‘order’ => $callback])->get();
return $customers;

To make code clean, I made a where clause function in “$callback” variable, you can also create a separate private function in which you can define all your where clause and then call it in whereHas and with clauses.

I hope this will help.


ReactJs, NodeJs, Amazon Web Services, Symfony, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, WordPress, Drupal, Magento, Angular

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