Following are few steps that are very helpful for on-site SEO.
- File naming conventions: file names in our site is very helpful to get keywords in our site.
Like on ready to wear shirts site there must be page for collar styles, fabric named pages with their description that might helpful to increase site rank in search engines. - Title Attributes for Navigation and other URLs: Title attributes are also very helpful for search engines and also for user as they can understand what will be on that page. This attribute gives extra value to search engines and users.
You can give title attribute as:<a href="" title="Websouceblog"></a>
Be careful to giving titles to your navigation it may be consider as spam too.
- Title sentence must be accurate to let users know exactly what’s on the page.
- Write 10 or less words.
- Implement keywords into description but don’t force them.
- Title tags: These are very important to come on high rank in search engine. These must not be confused with page title tag attribute.
Title tag range is 60 to 90 characters. Google only recognizes 70 characters with spaces included. It is good to stay under 70 characters.
Place most important keywords for page in title tag and try to keep them in close to beginning of the tag.
Use non keyword terms minimum.
Each page must have unique title focusing on the keywords of the page. - Meta Description: This is also as important as title tags. This tag has short description of the content that is on the page. It will show on search engine with title tag content and user will know from this whether this link is worthy for him or not. It is good to write description tag in marketing style.
- Image alt attributes: Images haven’t any description and search engine have not any idea about images until we tell them. We can get a lot of extra traffic from search engine by optimizing our images for this we can add some descriptive text to alt tag of any image and give idea to search engine what that image is.
<img src="" alt="15% discount" />
- Heading tags : These are also very helpful to increase traffic to your site. They can be use for on-site SEO. Heading tags are from <h1> to <h6> and keywords can apply in them and they can increase site ranking for specific keyword that is used in heading tag. Most significant keyword must be use in <h1> tag.
- Crosslinks: Cross link means links on page to go from Page A to Page B. if you add keywords in you links it will give search engine a strong value to base on that link. When you crosslink site via keywords that are on your page then search engine can easily navigate your site throughout your site content and it will increase traffic on your site. Page A should link to Page B via keyword like magento-development instead of click here.
- Keyword Density: It is also very important as it refers to how well you are able to plug in your keywords into content. It should take a lot of attention for on-site SEO aspect. You have to decide how many times you need to use keyword on a page.
Some guidelines are there: if you think to target 3 words phrase, you need to make sure that you include all three words in order for instance to count towards you keyword density. Some says that it is best practice you should hit keyword once in the first paragraph, once in the mean body section and final is in closing paragraph. - Content Organization: on websites content needs to be organized in logical fashion i.e. user’s needs and according to targeted keywords.
Content should be in the form so that user can easily navigate and can find his/her required information.
Content should be in proper hierarchy using heading tags to create clear presentation. - Content Consistency: Every page in your site can’t target keywords and have SEO content, but its very important that these non SEO pages must have same flow and standards that SEO pages have. Styles, cross links, formatting should be same as all SEO pages have.
- Know your Audience: for content writing you must know your audience. It is also very important to get good ranking on search engines. Good SEO content will read very naturally and speak personally to your audience without the disruption of keywords. Get information from your client for his site and speak to search engines after that you should have better understanding of what search engines are looking for and when they rank your site.